Demonstrations by Jim Newboult

Jim and Emma demonstrate traditional pottery techniques and provides workshops across Europe for Museums, historic sites and TV. Over the last three decades we have had the privilege of working at so many sites. These including the Victoria and Albert Museum (Maiolica painting and Medieval Pottery Production) The Museum of London, Roman pottery production. Windsor castle and the Tower of London, Hampton Court Palace .....among many others. There are a variety of options depending on availability, please just give us a call. You also may have seen Jim on Time Team, Heritage Craft showcase or Secrets of the Castle.
Jim demonstrating on a traditional hand turn oak made wheel. The demonstrations bring to life the people of the pasts everyday lives. Working with Earth, water and fire.

Trinity Court Potteries make pottery from the Iron age through to the 18th century. Our demonstrations bring to life the function and form of pottery in the hands of the people of the time, For example; A saxon funerary Urn, impressed with the thumb prints of its maker, A roman Amphora, enabling wine to be transported to empires citizens or to Tudor time a puzzle jugs being used in tavern houses. The pottery is fascinating and the craftsmanship of the potters of the past is undertaken with reverence to their skills. It i a pleasure to being these to life in our demonstrations.